Welcome to your safe space to dig deep and explore your soul.
Master Shaman Mentor, Psychic Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master Teacher, and Metaphysical Mentor. It's my life purpose to help you step into your light and help you own that shit.
Existing on this rock can be challenging. I get it, it’s tough to balance all the labels we accumulate by just existing. Far too often we find ourselves putting our own needs and wants aside for the sake of those labels and the expectations we feel that come with it. All the while trying to understand the most important label, the I AM of your soul, and answering the age-old question everyone has, What is my purpose? Why am I here?
I would love to be able to tell you some fancy grand awakening story of the moment all the stars aligned and destiny revealed itself. That’s just not the case for me.
What I can tell you is that from as far back as I can recall I’ve always internally known I was different. Being aware of the realm of spirit and energy before even fully understanding the true nature and scope of it was always a thing for me. However, due to living in survival mode throughout my childhood and into my early adult years this took a back seat. I kept my abilities to myself mostly. In addition to all the trauma that pulled me full steam ahead in survival mode, my sensitivity to energy and spirit did not feel like it was ever working in my favor at the time. I ran from it and attempted to shut it off in every way possible. It wasn’t until I was well into my adult years that I finally made the space for myself to explore what these sensitivities meant and why I felt different my entire life.
Looking back I can also tell you spirit was preparing me all along for my destined purpose. It was through the trauma, healing, self-reflection, and self-discovery that those ah-ha moments subtly emerged. All the little pieces sprinkled throughout my life started making sense and falling into place. I endured my destined walk with spirit and deep development. I have come to find such great joy and gratitude for all that has transpired.
It is with this same joy and gratitude that I now hold space for others as they continue their own personal walk. I am led by God in all my workings and I feel immensely blessed to have the privilege to aid others in their healing and awakening journey. Transmuting those layers of trauma and holding the sacred space for each one to remember their own divine power and soul alignment. I am a holistic healer with a proactive realistic approach to healing unifying the mental mind, physical body, emotional body, energetic centers, and auric field. Each one of us holds the power of intuition, we all have a divine purpose for living and our own beautiful gifts to share with the world. Whether you just want to give yourself the gift of healing or you are sensitive to energy and are ready to walk the path of discovery and development I would be honored to aid you in stepping into your light and owning that shit!